Archives for January 2013

Good or Bad Luck Fishing With Bananas in Costa Rica

Lets face it: anglers are a very superstitious lot, especially those seasoned anglers and captains in Costa Rica. Spend more than a few days on a fishing boat, and you start to understand the feelings of “Good and Bad Luck” … and everything in between. When it comes to bananas, they are considered the epitome of bad luck by many Costa Rica captains. Some will flat out … [Read more...]

Help Protect Yourself and Friends On Facebook

There is not a day that goes by where I/m getting emails about Facebook on whether or not this link is legit or not. Most recently many of my photographic friends are bitching about how to protect their photos from being shared etc. However, that’s a new subject matter and on to protecting oneself on Facebook. Since Facebook launched in Feb 2004, it has been the pride of Social Media. It … [Read more...]