Billfish Agreement is Signed with OSPESCA and TBA

A happy anglers catch/release from IFGA 2006 World Best Captain Bobby McGuinness

A happy angler's catch/release from IFGA 2006 Worlds Best Captain Bobby McGuinness @

After nearly a year, Costa Rica and remaining countries of Central America have approved an  agreement with The Billfish Foundation (TBF) to create a sustainable management plan  for billfish and other popular game fish vital to growing sport fishing and  tourism in the region. In Jan, 2009, the TBF successfully reached a ban on exporting billfish meat.

The agreement between TBF and the Organization of Fisheries and Aquaculture for the Isthmus of Central America  (OSPESCA) was signed by OSPESCA President Steadman Fagoth Muller, of Nicaragua,  and Nelson (scientific director for TBF).  OSPESCA Executive Director Mario Gonzalez Recino presided over the  ceremony and  along with Nelson  presented the Nicaraguan Institute of Fisheries and  Aquaculture with a computer and programs for use in collecting, managing, and analyzing  sport  fisheries data such as the migratory habits of sailfish, marlin, dorado and swordfish and to protect billfish mainly from over fishing  by commercial  interests, while implementing tag & release programs for sportsmen. Costa Rica sport fishing captains for years have honored the catch and release fishing.

This is a “win-win for all,” said Nelson. “Billfish have a very high potential in these waters and  high economic and social value if the responsible practice of sport fishing  ethics and conservation are fostered.”

Download or View the agreement in PDF.

OSPESCA and TBF Agreement in English

OSPESCA and TBF Agreement in Spanish

Blog material supplied on 3/10/2009 –  by TBF PR counsel – Pete Johnson, Johnson Communications

Costa Rica Medical
Calypso Cruises

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  1. I am learning more and more every day and I have to say I am very pleased with the Billfish Agreement Signed with the OSPESCA and TBA. I can only believe that good will come out of this great effort to protect Billfish.

  2. Colin Steele-Perkins says:

    Fishery Management is a must for every country who participate in the Sport of Angling. The better the management plan the better the fishery.

  3. Fishing Junkie says:

    Its about time! I like the tagging part

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