There are good days fishing and there are awesome days fishing. This Costa Rica fishing trip was awesome. For two days we fished out of one of Costa Ricas best marinas, Los Suenos, about 6 miles north of Jaco and out about 20 miles with the infamous Richard Krugs, Americana Sportsfishing, who has been putting together fishing charter services for almost 30 years. We went for the meat, over 200lbs was was packed into a huge ice chest.
In two days we caught 40 dorado, 1 sailfish and 1 tuna. Each dorado was over 25lbs with one 50lbs and another around 60lbs. On the first day when the captain spotted a huge debris patty about 1/4 mile long and 50 yards wide, we knew we were into some fun. Within minutes we got out first hookup and many times we had double and triple hookups.

Dorado - The male's head is square where the female's head is rounded
Dorado or what the Gringo’s call, Dolphin (not to be confused with Flipper) or Mahi-mahi in Hawaii are found up and down Costa Rica’s Pacific coast. With its tropical and warm temperate seas, the dolphin is pelagic, schooling, and migratory. It is basically a deep-water species, inhibiting the surface of the open ocean and normally run in pairs, a male and female. However, it is common to see 10-15 skipping across the ocean. When following a jig/bait, you can actuary see them bouncing toward it and predict when the strike will come. Its exciting as hell when they are on a feeding frenzy. More exciting reeling them in.
Large males have high, vertical forehead, while the female’s forehead is rounded. Males grow larger than females. There are no spines in any of the fins. The dorsal fin has 55-66 soft rays. The anal fin has 25-31 soft rays. They are extremely fast swimmers and feed extensively on flying fish and squid as well as on other small fish. They have a particular affinity for swimming beneath buoys, seaweed, logs, and floating objects of almost any kind. Hooked dolphin will leap or tail-walk, darting first in one direction, then another. It is believed that they can reach speed s up to 50 mph (80.5 kms.) in short bursts. In addition to being a highly rated game fish, the dolphin is a unreal food fish that is cooked numerous ways, including eating raw like sashimi and ceviche.
Hooking up with the leaders in Costa Rica Sportfishing, based out of Los Suenos will assure you of getting on board the top producing boats with the regions top Captains.
Hooked On Costa Rica is the premeire outfitter for the Los Suenos and Jaco Beach area and offers the better boats and unmatched service.
Sport fishing is a popular activity on the coasts of Costa Rica, and thousands of anglers and outdoor fishing enthusiasts frolic to the area each year. Sport fishing charters abound along these pristine waters, and special vacation packages along the Caribbean and Pacific coast are also readily available. The Oss Peninsula is a prime location for sport fishing in Costa Rica. It offers a rich and lush landscape of the Pacific Ocean and Gulfo Dulce.