Medical Costs in Costa Rica vs. U.S.

Cost of Medical Treatment in Costa Rica can be a 70% saving from that of the U.S.

Cost of Medical Treatment in Costa Rica can be a 70% saving from that of the U.S.

With the cost of medical on the rise, medical tourists from the United States, Canada and Europe should definitely compare the cost of medical treatment in Costa Rica to what it would cost at home. You can reach Costa Rica from just about everywhere in the U.S. and Canada in 12 hours or less; from Europe in well under a day. Costa Rica has eminently qualified doctors, excellent hospitals, attractive recovery centers, affordable costs, and provides an opportunity for a memorable vacation. Places like Costa Rican Medical Tours offer package deals for both vacation and treatment.

Here are just a couple of reason why Costa Rica is becoming a desire place to have medical treatment.

  • The cost of medical treatment in Costa Rica can range from a third to even a fourth of what it can cost in the United States and Canada.
  • As required by law, medical practitioners carry liability insurance at all times, giving patients protection and coverage from malpractice.
  • Language will not be a barrier because, along with the doctors, the hospital staff, recovery center staff and tourist industry personnel, as well as a surprisingly high number of Costa Ricans, especially those in their teens, 20s and 30s, can speak English
Medical Procedures USA Costa Rica Average Savings
Heart Bypass Up to $130,000 $24,000 70-80%
Heart Valve Replacement Up to $160,000 $15,000 80-90%
Angioplasty Up to $57,000 $9,000 70-80%
Hip Replacement Up to $43,000 $12,000 60-70%
Hysterectomy Up to $20,000 $4,000 70-80%
Knee Replacement Up to $40,000 $11,000 60-70%
Spinal Fusion Up to $62,000 $25,000 50-60%
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Facelift $7,000-$9,000 $4,600 – $5,000 30-40%
Rhinoplasty $8,000-$12,000 $3,500 – $3,900 50-65%
Breast Lift $5,000-$8,000 $3,000 – $3,400 40-55%
Breast Augmentation $5,000-$8,000 $2,700 – $2,900 50-65%
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) $4,000-$5,500 $2,000 – $2,200 50-60%
Brazilian Butt Surgery Up to $10,000 $3,000 – $3,300 55-65%
Tummy Tuck $6,000-$8,500 $3,900 – $4,200 45-50%
Facelift $7,000-$9,000 $4,600 – $5,000 35-45%
Male Breast Reduction Up to $6,000 $2000 – $2600 50-60%
Bariatric Surgery
Laparoscopic Gastroplasty Up to $30,000 $10,500 55-65%
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Up to $35,000 $14,000 50-60%
General and Cosmetic Dentistry
Bridges $1,000+ per tooth $250 – $400 per tooth 60-70%
Crowns $1,000+ per tooth $250 – $400 per tooth 60-70%
Implants $3,500+ per tooth $700 – $900 per tooth 70-80%
Porcelain Veneers $1,500+ per tooth $300 – $500 per tooth 65-80%
Root canal Up to $800 $315 55-60%
Teeth whitening Up to $700 $250 55-65%

Costa Rica also boasts some of the best doctors in the world. To see some of the top ones, visit, Costa Rica Doctors

More on Costa Rica medical tourism, visit,  Diabetes Cure in Costa Rica, Stem Cell Care Treatment, Wellness and Health Care and Wellness and Rehab

Costa Rica Medical
Calypso Cruises

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  1. I have two crushed vertabria body one pushing on my siatic nerve i was told that there is some place in costa rica that could help me to get rid of the pain and to help my c.o.p.d could someone tell me where to find this and how much it would cost i'm pore so i would have to try to save for it but i will do anything to get the pain gone out of my life and be able to go back to work it is to hard to live on $800.00 canadain per month help please

  2. While important, cost should not be the only reason to pick one doctor (country) over another. That said, Costa Rica has an excellent reputation for cosmetic and dental work.

  3. Many countries in Latin America are trying to promote their medical tourism credentials: Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, etc. And, it is true, you can go under the knife for far less money compared to North America.

    However, be careful. What is your legal recourse if your procedure has complications? Especially long term complications? For example, you undergo a Breast Augmentation surgery and the implant starts leaking years later due to your Costa Rican doctor’s incompetence? Are you going to put your life on hold in North America, fly down to Costa Rica, and fight the possible 2-5 year court case???

    Medical Tourism in Asia and Latin America offers a lot of benefits. Yet, do PLENTY of research prior.

    • admin says:

      Unlike many other countries, all of Costa Rican doctors are required to carry liability insurance. But you are correct, it is best to get as much info as possible and do your research. With that said, you will be able to save a lot of money and receive good medical treatment

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