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getting arrestedCOSTA RICA ATTORNEYS
Joke: How do you get an attorney out of the tree?

Answer: Cut the rope.

Just like in the U.S. Costa Rica does have its attorney jokes, and just like the U.S. and as in any metropolitan area many of Costa Rica attorneys offices surround a JUDICAL court house just like  Indians would do to a poor suspecting wagon train filled with innocent settlers.

If you get involved in criminal activity, remember, Costa Rica Law is a complexity of the  Rican legal system, which is based on Napoleonic law.  Guilty until Proven Innocent! You may sit in jail for a year (and/or just rot depending on the nature of the crime)  before someone will look at the case and/or a bond can be posted. Drugs, sex with a child, etc  these type of cases are treated very harshly.

If you think you have a civil suit, such as, suing a poor coffee shop owner when you got burnt on a cup of coffee, chances are it will get laugh out of court, while your attorney is laughing all the way to the bank. If you think you have suffered some mental condition, forget it! Like most Latin Countries, unless one sees blood, there is no case.

If you need a business attorney, (buying property, setting up corporations, trade agreements (do your research first, Costa Rica does have some of the best attorneys in the World. And expect to pay anywhere from $30-$100/hr.

The Embassy of the United States of America in San José, Costa Rica assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms whose names appear at U. S. Embassy - Bilingual list of Costa Rica Attorneys at the Consular District of San José as of  June, 2006

The San José Consular District includes all of Costa Rica. Most important law cases are tried in the city of San José, although some originate in other parts of the country. Credit information can usually be obtained through banks, or through commercial reporting agencies, such as DUN AND BRADSTREET, INC.

List of the San Jose US Embassy Attorneys

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screenshot of Petersen & Philps Law Offices in Costa Rica. Attorney Petersen & Philps Law Offices in Costa Rica. Attorney - http://www.plawcr.com/index.html

Petersen & Philps Law Offices in Costa Rica. Costa Rica real estate law, corporate law, residency and immigration, Costa Rica Legal Services, Costa Rica Law Information - Read more

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