Why Advertise and List your Website with Costa Rica TicoTimes.Com Directory?
First of all, this website has become the World's Largest Costa Rica Directory that receives millions of hits a month; so your ad and website will be seen. All Websites published in the directory will come with their own mini-detail webpage, so if you plan on submitting your website, please spend the time to make it right.
- Unlike others, we market your website and ad on Social Media websites like Twitter, Facebook and many others.
- We offer Text Link ads with descriptions and anchor text keyword links.
- All Categories on the Directory and Blog have RSS feeds. These Feeds are on 100s of websites. Our RSS feeds are rotated within the categories and Blog assuring the maximum exposure for your links.
- Our partner is a well-established SEO/M company so we will promote the Directory/Blog and reinvest in it.
- Everytime a new page is listed, we submit our sitemaps to Google and Yahoo assuring that your listing is indexed.
- Our Featured Link, regular links and banner/text ads are very competitive in price - and will be displayed at the top of the particular category or placed statewide (all pages, which is 1000s of pages), so your exposure is unlimited.
Our basic links submits, ad prices, and options can be found at the below links:
Free Website Submit, Paid, and Featured Links
Basic Banner and Text Ads
Text and banner (125x125-300) links on the Recommended Websites (top right side) go between 50-$150/month depending on size, with a 3 month minimum and will populate all pages, including the Blog. A 20% discount for a year. Sorry, there is no refund. All sales are final. Banner ads like you see on the top right vary depending on size from 75-$125/USD/month.
We take .gif and jpeg format - sorry no Flash and all links must be human readable. We encourgage page links that target ones product or service.
Samples of Special 125x125 Side Banner Ads:

SPECIAL CATEGORY BANNER ADS (468X60 - below the main content) on any particular category are $20/month with a 12month min.
Please Note: On category ads many times it is best to put ads on several caegories for greater exposure. For example, if you have a real estate website, and have property on the Western and Northern Pacific, banners in these two categories will target that specific region. Discount for 2 or more ads - email for prices.
The adult section is the highest hit category with over 1000 page views a day, please email us for special banners/text ads on this. Normal Banner ads (468x60) on the adult section are $150/month.
Text ads on the footer go for $20/month with a 6 month minimum. It is recommend that these ads be page links and not index page links and 2 or more. Two text ads, the discount is 50% or $30/month.
All text ads must have a minimum of 5 lines with a max of 8 lines - we reserve the right to make minor changes for the text for SEO and marketing reasons. In otherwords, we want to help drive traffic to your ad and website.
Special Requests (like article with anchor text links etc) and those Ads longer than 3 months, the website will be listed in the directory for FREE without a reciprocal link.
With the announcement that Google will no longer index Content Farms, back links from Articles have become more important than ever for SERPs. They have proven to be a valuable asset in marketing/promoting your website BECAUSE they will continue to drive page views to your website/busines months and years later after your article.
NOTE - We DO NOT USE the "no-follow attribute" in our Blog as others do. Read the Content Farm link/article and it will outline the best way to promote your business through articles.
Articles submitted and published must focus on a particular subject and not product/service hype. Your article MUST be original, have creditability and have anchor text links pointing to your keywords/links to your websites. We charge $60 to optimize the Article(s) on the Blog. For max exposure, we suggest that a minimum of 3 articles be written, this way we can back link each article, thus gaining more exposure. Email us for more details.
Special ads deals is by Paypal invoice, which takes all major credit cards and echecks. All ads and links will be up within 24 hrs or sometimes within minutes/hours after Payment.
Once again, unlike others, we continue to market your ads/articles on Social Media websites like Twitter/Facebook/Stumbleupon/Linkedin and more - in some cases (especially with a good article) we will continue to promote your website.
The Tico Times Directory receives millions of hits a month. It is the largest online Costa Rica Directory in the world.
Our goal is to help drive traffic to your website!
To inquire about special advertisement and rates please use the contact form
Thanks in advance for your interest and best wishes
Pura Vida
Tico Times Directory