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Costa Rican real estate prices have been rising for years, and as more foreign buyers look at investing in Costa Rica's very small country - just 32,000 square miles, with a total population of just 3.9 million. Prices in some areas are booming - and not uncommon to see prices double in a few years due to the location principle. Costa Rica has it all, from ocean views and beach front, white sandy beaches, to mountain views and huge estates.

Ecolology is on the rise, so many properties border on ecozones. Another reason why people are buying and moving to Costa Rica, the cost of living in Costa Rica is inexpensive - and you can comfortably live on 1500-$2000 a month.  However, if you are thinking of buying -  a Costa Rica real estate agent or broker does not need a real estate license - anyone in Costa Rica can be a realtor. Just use common sense when searching for a agent or broker.

Retire in Costa Rica
Santa Ana, San Jose and Heredia on Investment
Costa Rica Real Estate Fraud
Buying Property In Costa Rica – Taxes, Capital Gains, Corporation
Costa Rica Squatters – Legal Procedures 

Sangre del Toro Property
Almost an acre on the International Highway across from Playa Bejuca. Divided into four lots approved with road to the lots. Great investment for someone wanting to have a small part of paradise or a developer.  Will send pictures and lot breakdown.Contact Skip Wrape at slpskip@charter.net


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Agents and Brokers (22)

Caribbean (1)

Central Pacific (5)

Northern Pacific (5)

Property Management (4)

Rent Homes and Property in Costa Rica (18)

San Jose and Central Inland (3)

Southern Pacific (6)

Featured Links

PR: 5
screenshot of Costa Rica Ocean and Mountain View Properties Costa Rica Ocean and Mountain View Properties - http://www.realestatecostarica.com

Ocean view building lots, condos, luxury homes in San Jose and huge tracts of land ready for development in one of the world's most popular and hottest-selling tropical locations. Buyer/Seller and other useful information and links. Free property search and toll-free contact. Real Estate Costa Rica is owned and operated by an American with more than 25 years of experience successfully doing business in Costa Rica. Call toll free @ 1-800-634-0012, 1-800-399-8532, 1-866-978-5199 - Read more

screenshot of Costa Rica Homes Costa Rica Homes - http://www.cr-home.com/

Costa Rica Homes and broker. Property listings for sale or rental including  residential & commercial properties in all of Costa Rica - Read more

screenshot of Costa Rica Luxury Properties Costa Rica Luxury Properties - http://www.costaricarealestaterental.com/

Costa Rica Luxury Real Estate, where we can help you find your dream vacation, retirement, or year-round home in beautiful Costa Rica. We're here to serve your real estate needs, whether you're buying a home or renting a vacation property. - Read more

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