Jaco Beachfront Hotel
Sea Turtle Poll
The literacy rate in Costa Rica is of 96% (CIA World Factbook, February 2007), one of the highest in Latin America. Elementary and high schools are found throughout the country in practically every community. Universal public education is guaranteed in the Constitution. Primary education is obligatory, and both preschool and high school are free. And now some of the state and private universities are getting world-wide reconization.
There are only a few schools in Costa Rica that go beyond the 11th grade. Those schools that finish at 11th grade receive a Costa Rican Bachillerato Diploma accredited by the Costa Rican Ministry of Education. Schools that offer classes to the 12th grade offer either the International Baccalaureate Diploma, accredited by the IBO in Geneva, Switzerland or USA High School Diploma, accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
Costa Rica is also home to the Instituto Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas (INCAE), The institution maintains a close affiliation with Harvard University, as it had played a part in its foundation. The campus is the second of two that the school has, the other in Managua, Nicaragua was reopend in 1990 with the return of democracy under the Chamorro government. According to a study done by America Economia INCAE (Costa Rica) ranked as the number one business school in Latin America for 2 consecutive years (2004, 2005) and ranked within the top ten business schools in international rankings by The Wall Street Journal. Many students are attending Spanish to English and English to Spanish Schools that Costa Rica has to offer.
University of Costa Rica (UCR) - Universidad de Costa Rica
National Univerity (UNA) - Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Technological Institut (TEC) - nstituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
EARTH University - Escuela de Agricultura de la Región Tropical Húmeda
Universidad Latina (Ulatina)
PR: 6
| ![]() NCAE MBA - International Business School # 1 in Latin America. Get your MBA program in Costa Rica and Nicaragua - Read more |
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| ![]() The COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL, founded in 1963, is a private, English-language, non-sectarian school providing a structured and challenging education in grades PK-12. The purposes and standards of the school are comparable to selective U.S. independent and college-preparatory schools. We are located in in Escazú right outside of San Jose, Costa Rica. - Read more |
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| ![]() Study Spanish, learn to surf, and take art and photography classes at the School of the World in Playa Jaco, Costa Rica - Read more |
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| ![]() We offer one of the most comprehensive and intensive massage programs available. We are approved by the NCBTMB, and do have a school number. With competitive pricing we make it affordable to start a new career as well as see this beautiful country. Swedish, Connective Tissue, Myofascial Release classes - Read more |
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| ![]() International Christian School is a private, coeducational school, which offers an educational program from pre-kinder through twelfth grade for students of all nationalities. The school was founded in September 1977 because of a need for an English- speaking Christian school in San José - Read more |
| ![]() Our mission is to nurture generations of ecologically aware, academically well-rounded bilingual individuals. We will work to provide students with the knowledge, values and skills needed to make environmentally and socially conscious decisions on a local, national and global scale - Read more |
Costa Rica Real Estate & Classifieds
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Rent to Buy, Buy, or Rent in Costa Tica
Spacious, 3 bd., 2.5 bath, modern 3 story townhouse, in a gated and guarded community with an international flavor, very near tennis court, pools, and casa club. Convenient to major shopping areas, the Multiplaza mall, restaurants, civic center, CIMA