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Church in Costa ricaRELIGION IN COSTA RICA
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions of Costa Rica, 69% of the country's population of approximately 4.3 million is Roman Catholic. However, it is believed that only about 40% of the populace actually observe Roman Catholic practices and tenets. The rest are only denominationally Catholic and do not practice their professed religion with any serious religious fervor.

Protestant Christians that include members of the Methodist, Baptist, Evangelical, and Episcopal Churches, account for about 14% of the population, while another 12% are atheists. Besides these, there are Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses who have a marked presence in certain coastal areas. The Seventh Day Adventists even maintain a university, which attracts a large number of students from all over Costa Rica.

For a relatively small country, the number of religions practiced here is quite high due to the many non-Christian religions followed here. Believers in Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Baha'i Faith, Taoism, Hare Krishna, Scientology, Tenrikyo and others have their own temples, mosques, synagogues, pagodas and similar places of worship. If you have a religious website or information please feel free to add your information with no need for a link back, just use the contract page. TicoTimes.com thanks Clifton L Holland for his contribution of this category.

Directory of Protestant Denominations in Costa Rica

Need more information?  Clifton L Holland, director of PROLADES,  has several Adobe PDF downloads on Religious Groups in Costa Rica | Chronology of Protestant Beginning | Costa Rica Religious Groups | Costa Rica Religion 1983-2007 | Spanish Directory of Religion

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