The hotel manager walked into a couple doing the wild thing!
Something always happens that makes your trip a remembrance. This time, it started within an hour after arrival and very humorous.
After getting up at 3am, blogging, last minute changes to clients websites, twitting, reading a zillion emails it was time to head to the airport. Coming from San Diego, with a 3 hour layover in Houston, one can figure about 12 hours before touchdown in San Jose.
Now, you are tired, a little buzzed, need to freshen up, take a restroom break and all you can think about is getting to your room before heading for a few more libations. We get to the hotel, and with some confusion on room locations we checked in. The bellboy grabbed our bags, but I took mind since I needed to use the restroom, and did not want to wait for the bellboy to take an associates first to his room. I told the bellboy to met me at the room, so he could earn his tip. When got to my room and the card would not open the door. Weird! I kept trying, nothing!
Hummm … getting a little crossed leg now. Finally the bellboy showed up, and after a few tries with the credit card key, he could not get in.
The night manager was called, and saw the problem; the battery was dead in the lock. So he goes downstairs and returns with a set of wrenches where a little hex-bolt is unscrewed at the bottom of the lock, to allow the pass key to open the door.
Well, its dark, I’m about ready to pee in my pants while this guy is trying to take out a screw about a quarter inch long that he can’t see. Finally I dig into my bag, pull out a mini-flashlight (good thing to carry on any trip). Cool light! With that said, he unscrews the screw and it falls to the floor, so we spend more minutes looking for it.
Now, this is where it gets interesting. The lock will not open. Now the manager is getting pissed and cussing (which is very rare in Costa Rica management, especially in front of a guest). By now I’m feeling sorry for this young kid, who is doing his best to take care of me.
Bingo! the lock opens! Thank God for restroom relief.
He turns to me with a smile of job well done, and opens the door into a set of thumping legs doing the wild thing!!!
OMG – talk about seeing the face of embarrassment from this manager – I get a glance of two scrambling in the middle of their passion.
The manager’s face turns bright red – immediately does an about face, grabs my bag and hustles me down the hall. As I slip behind the corned I glance over my shoulder and this older guy is standing naked in the hall way looking the other way. I had a hard time holding my laughing!
You just know he had fire in his eyes …
Needless to say, this poor manager, once we got a safe distance away, got on the radio, and there was some very harsh words said to the front desk people. By now my laugher made me forget about restroom and libation.
Man … I love this country!
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