Local products like these hand painted bowls, not only helps the community but are eco-friendly
Everyone comes to Costa Rica with a dream. The dream can be the lazy, sand swept beach life with a margarita in hand, or a jungle getaway, a pair of rockers on a balcony with views of the Central Valley. My dream was to have both, and truly enjoy this Costa Rica paradise and to discover what living in Costa Rica was all about. Having 16 years experience in residential Historic Restorations, the itch soon began to do something fresh and new. With a country as lush and green as Costa Rica, you cannot help but be enveloped and caught up in the idea of how to preserve such natural beauty and at the same time live in it and with it, leaving as little impact on it as possible. Eco Construction was my new passion!
Over the past 10 years eco products and building materials have gained popularity around the world. More and more homeowners are opting for energy efficient home designs, appliances, doors, windows, and roofing materials. Green building products have become more available and their cost have become more competitive with traditional building supplies. Many times the upfront expenditures can be justified by long term savings in energy or maintenance costs. Believe it or not, building Green in Costa Rica not only is possible, it is relatively easy and you will be doing your part to help keep Costa Rica green.
The key to being “eco”, “green” or “sustainable” is the access and availability of products in your area. For example using sustainable wood products such as TEAK, MELINA, or PACHOTE is very easy as these woods are grown on large plantations here in Costa Rica, support the local economy, and make quality finished product. Bamboo is also an interesting product that is gaining in popularity for it’s strength, durability, and sustainability. I have outlined below many of the resources that we have discovered here in Costa Rica and that we will be using in our new ECO DEVELOPMENTS, La Antigua del Valle, and Las Brisas del Valle located in Atenas, Costa Rica. Our wish is that we can encourage others to follow suit and help make a difference in the world. Just by using a few of these products in the building process with make all the difference in keeping Costa Rica green.
Costa Rica offers some amazing exotic woods. However with cutting and development many of the native varieties are now protected and can only be used in limited amounts or with permission. However Costa Rica began cultivating some very beautiful wood that is a great alternative to the more exotic species. The idea is to buy local. Find out what is being cultivated in your area and support your local community. In addition, most doors, cabinets, and furniture products are locally produced by local craftsmen who are master craftsmen. Here are a few woods we like to use:
Teak – Teak is a great all around wood. It is not a hardwood, but is not to soft either. It is easy to work with, does not tend to warp, and has beautiful color and tones, ranging from light to dark blond. It is very common to see teak beams used for vaulted ceilings, as post on porches, and in the building of kitchen and bathroom cabinets, or furniture.
Melina – Melina is a softer white wood (much like fir) that has become very popular in construction for framing, cabinet and furniture making, doors, and trim work. It is easy to work with and can be painted or stained to the color that you want, resulting in a beautiful finished product.
Pachote – Pachote is a native wood here in Costa Rica that in recent years has been cultivated for use in construction. It is a versatile wood that offers a beautiful reddish brown color. It is very commonly used in the Guanacaste area of Costa Rica.
Spanish Tile – For hundreds of years in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and most Latin America counties traditional barrel tiles have been used as roof coverings. These tiles are made of clay and water, formed and then oven fired to create a hard durable surface that if maintained last for years and creates a patina that gives your home an amazing look. Locally we found a company here in Esparza, Costa Rica, Productos Caribe S.A. , that has been making quality tile roofs and other clay products since 1936. A trip through their factory takes you back to the way things have been done for centuries. Our tour with Don Alexander was educational to say the least. Made from only water and clay, then fired in natural wood burning ovens, the same way they have been maid for centuries. No artificial ingredients for sure. Trivia? Do you know why the tiles are shaped the way the are? In the old days the makers used their legs (between their knees and thighs) as molds, creating the “barrel” shape, with one end wider than the other.
Recycling plastics, woods and other materials has become a great way of building green. There are some great new products on the market that look like traditional Spanish tile roofs that are made from recycled plastic. The come in various color options and are lighter weight than traditional tile roofs. We like Eko Roof located in San Jose.
Technology changes at the blink of an eye and solar technology is no exception. Most new solar panels only require day light, not direct sun light to provide energy. Solar options include solar hot water heaters, heating systems for pools, and panels that provide electricity for your entire home. Cost vary but water heating systems can start at around $1500, and entire electrical systems from $10,000.00. The idea of living off the grid is closer than you every thought, and everyday more affordable. For the latest solar products in Costa Rica, check out Solar Costa Rica located in Santa Ana, Costa Rica.
Reducing the amount of water we use is an excellent way to protect and conserve the natural beauty that abounds in Costa Rica. Simple systems that can be installed to recycle gray water (from sinks and showers) to use to flush your toilets can save up to 30% of your annual water consumption. Combine that with a low flow toilet and you can increase that number to close to 40%. Not only are you helping to keep Costa Rica green, but you will be saving the “green” too! Check out one of Costa Rica best recycling systems, Gray Water Recycling Products.
Many paint companies in Costa Rica now produce high quality stucco products for interior and exterior use. These products are offered in various colors, often which are from natural sources, and eliminate the need for re-paintings or maintenance. The costs are very similar to paint when using a good quality paint product. Consult with your local hardware store or LANCO Paints.
Low water use toilets can reduce your water consumption by 10-15%. New technology with pressurized flushing systems offer a great alternative for the less efficient traditional models.
Not only is natural stone beautiful but it is very ecological and creates a long lasting durable surface. Some of the more popular uses are as floor coverings, countertops and backsplash, showers, decorative walls, and driveways. There are many options in Costa Rica including river rock, piedra bruta, flagstone, and sandstone.
A great find in Santa Ana, Costa Rica is Ceramica Las Palomas. At Las Palomas they make all their products from start to finish. Some of the many beautiful products include handmade and hand painted: Light fixtures, bathroom sinks, decorative tiles, plates, flower pots, and other decorative objects. The artists at Las Palomas are from the local School of Bellas Artes and do exquisite work. Luis is doing our bathroom sinks and the owner of Las Palomas, Paul Leon Deschang says that Luis is one of the best artists they have. Contact them at 2282-7001.
For the traditional clay tile floors (Satillo tile in Mexico) we go back to Esparza, Costa Rica to Productos Caribe S.A. where everything is made the same way it has been for generations. Clay, water, and wood fired to perfection.
Throughout Costa Rica you can still find blacksmiths who create beautiful artwork out of iron and other metals. Manolo, a native Spaniard, creates spectacular light fixtures, gates, decorative bars and garden pieces. In many parts of the world, this is a dying art but for now, it is alive and well in Atenas, Costa Rica.
Did you know that you can get a reforestation study on your property by- UNA-Univesidad Nacional? The main attraction in Costa Rica is it’s abundance of nature, flora and fauna. To attract the fauna, you need the flora. Investigate your area and find out what are the native trees and plants and get busy! There is a great program through the UNA-Univesidad Nacional, where a study of your property can be preformed and native trees suggested and actually planted! Contact them at their website or call 2277-3315 and ask for the Instituto de Investigacion y Servicios Forestal.
Everyday new and exciting products come to the market place that make building eco a reality. One thing we should not forget is to look to the past in our search because many of the products of days gone by are just as “green” and can offer true character and warmth to your home. In addition buying products locally and using local craftsmen helps sustain the community as a whole. Sustainability is not just about products and things, it is about life. We would love to hear from others who have found eco, green, sustainable, and artisan products throughout Costa Rica.
Article written by Dennis Easters who has lived in Atenas for the last six years and is involved in two major eco-developments in Atenas. If you are interested in more information, please email him at; easters3(at)msn.com.
See more of Dennis’s articles: Atenas, Costa Rica – Retirement Community and other eco articles: Eco Friendly Home and Building Eco Friendly
We have a lot in Escazu that we going to build on this November. We do need a construction team to frame the house. Could you please get me in touch with someone who would be interested?
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