Costa Rica’s Medical Tourism and Wellness – Health Care

Medical Tourism is on the rise in Costa Rica

Medical Tourism is on the rise in Costa Rica

Every time I’m in Costa Rica it always amazing me of how that country is developing into a First-World country. One of my meetings was about developing a Costa Rica medical tourism website and then I had a much respected meeting with one of our competitive Bloggers, who was getting ready to do the same.

A few months ago we wrote about Costa Rica medical tourism, and then another about  stem cell research, but now they have become such a hot items, so much so, that  conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh was flooded with emails when he answered a caller who was offering some type of medical insurance package, where treatments were in Costa Rica. Obviously, affordable health care is on the minds of all Americans, and Costa Rica is becoming the desire place for health and fitness care.

Cost for health care can be 70% cheaper than those in the U.S.

Medical tourism (also called medical travel, health tourism or global healthcare) is a term initially coined by travel agencies and the mass media to describe the rapidly-growing  practice of traveling across  borders to obtain health care. However, what is also becoming more, it also refers pejoratively to the practice of healthcare providers and doctors traveling internationally to deliver healthcare services.

Did I say Doctors? – More and more specialty doctors are now traveling to Costa Rica and either being assisted or assisting local doctors.  And why not, they can charge way less and at the same time, get a great vacation and so does the patience.

Probably the best example of this is my personal experience on dental, where my dentist is in Mexico. To make a long story short, I needed some teeth extractions and crown/bridge work the cost in the US was around 5000-US$6000. After shopping around I found a great dentist who performed the work for around $1200. Costa Rica is no different. Even when you throw in the cost to get to Costa Rica, hotels, food, a white water rafting trip, canopy ride and a few days of sport fishing, you come out ahead,

These medical services include elective procedures as well as complex specialized surgeries such as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac  surgery, dental surgery, cosmetic surgeries and the new hot item, a cure for diabetes and virtually every type of health care, including psychiatry, alternative treatments, drug and alcohol rehab, and convalescent care. After major surgery, one is usually sent to an eco-minded wellness center to recoup in paradise surroundings, a far cry from a sterile hospital and a lot cheaper and a hundred times more relaxing.

However, the biggest problem is bias minds –  hesitation on traveling is the informal channels of communication-connection-contract, and the doubt that the medical services are less regulatory or a legal oversight to assure quality and less formal recourse to reimbursement or redress, if needed.

To many people still think that Costa Rica is a Third-World country and their doctors, nurses and hospital are still living in the dark ages with voodoo type care … it is simply not true. Costa Rica has some of the best professionals and hospitals in the world.

Costa Rica Medical
Calypso Cruises

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  1. The growing practice of traveling abroad for medical treatment isn’t a novel concept. People in the Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean used to travel to remote places seeking spas and sanatoriums built on remote lands where healing mineral springs were abundant. Medical tourism also took place in Europe during the Renaissance, usually to communities where medical education and research centers where located. So this medical tourism in Costa Rica is not a new concept, but rather a spin on an historic one.

  2. Eric Christensen says:

    I am a certified/licensed prosthetist and orthotist in the states and would love to have some info on what is happening in my field of expertise in Costa Rica. Any information would be helpful, just guide me in the right direction.

    Thank You

  3. I totally agree with you. Costa Rica has some of the finest hospitals in the world with the quality afforded at par with what you get in the United States. I can say so because we are a US-based medical tourism facilitator and have connected several patients to hospitals and dental clinics in Costa Rica. They have all come out hale and hearty from their medical travel experience. But one should still take caution when selecting their provider anywhere in the world as there are good and bad providers everywhere. For more information, read this: How to have a successful medical tourism trip?

  4. I had 5 surgeries in Costa Rica at The Rosenstock Center with Dr. Rashi and Dr. Cohen. The cost in the states was going to be appox. $20,000.00 for ONE of my surgeries. All 5 plus expenses and new clothes was less than $18,000.00 in Costa Rica.
    The Doctors and The Rosenstock Center are the GREATEST. I can’t say enough about the them. Their facility is very clean, very well equipped and the staff was wonderful to me. If I ever have to have surgery again I will go back to Costa Rica rather than here in the states. They are better qualified all around.

    Definitely go early so you can see the country, it is a gorgeous.

  5. Chauncey says:

    Sounds like several of you people ought to get educated in the Chelation Therapy world. I have an enlarged heart which, ultimately was caused by circulation blockages. Chelation eliminates metals and blockage assocated problems. I am presently bring Cardio Renew to Costa Rica. Works for me where Western Medicine doesn’t. I am interested in improving and not to just limp along the rest of my life. Fountain of Youth????

    Chauncey chauncey1946 (at)

  6. Medical tourism is becoming more and more popular. With the struggles in the United States, Costa Rica’s health care system is powerful. A friend of mine at Mr Costa Ricas Property understands this. He has been in Costa Rica for many years. Yeah for Costa Rica!

  7. Vikki Riggle says:

    I’m a Type 1 diabetic trying to figure out how the Costa Rican medical system treats my disease. We hope to move to Costa Rica within the next 24 months and want to use the public Caja system. (I already know the private system won’t cover pre-existing conditions so that’s out.) Does anybody know anything about the treatment regime available through the public system? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Kathy Jpy says:

    I am looking for a Medical Dr. who is familiar with the disease of Hemochromotosis; Iron Overload. I get Phlybotimised once a month, to get the iron out of my liver and hopefully my new blood without lead. My Dr. said, being at sea level will help tremendously. If you can find me any info., I glady recieve it.. We are starting to build in 2 wks. so by then hopefully, I can find a hospital or Clinic that could care for me. We are in Dominical, but everyone says, San Jose. I am a precuser of Diabites 2.

    What about San Insidro?

    My Dr. here in U.S.A. speaks Spanish and said, she would talk to whomever I get advice from.

    Looking forward to hearing from someone.

    Kathy Joy

  9. Pamela Harp Gentry says:

    This is great news and news that I have been hearing for awhile. We recently purchased property in beautiful Costa Rica with plans of building in a couple of years. This news reinforces our belief that we made a great decision to have a home in a country that is beautiful and very progressive. Blessings

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