Helicopter drops explosive devices as Venezuela tuna seiner threatens tourists; tenth attack in past two years …

This Venezuelan tuna vessel 15 miles off the coast of Garza, Costa Rica, attacks a Sportfishing boat with its helicopter, dropping explosive devices.
GARZA, Costa Rica and FT. LAUDERDALE, Florida, USA — A U.S. based world fisheries conservation association is demanding disciplinary action after the attack by a commercial Venezuelan tuna purse seining vessel and its helicopter on a sportfishing boat off the coast of Costa Rica.
On Sunday August 1, at approximately 3 p.m. the Silver-Rod-O, a U.S. sportfishing vessel owned by TBF member Gary Carter, of Duluth, Ga., was assaulted by the Venezuelan flagged tuna purse seiner La Rosa Mistica while fishing approximately 15 miles off the coast of Garza, Costa Rica.
According to Carter the Silver-Rod-O was fishing around a school of spinner dolphin for yellowfin tuna and billfish, when the helicopter from La Rosa Mistica began circling the area.
“We were celebrating one of our guest’s first-ever sailfish release, when the seiner veered from its course and headed directly toward our boat. The helicopter then began making passes over the anglers and as the seiner came closer and began setting its net, the helicopter started dropping incendiary devises around the Silver-Rod-O and the school of spinners.
“Several explosives landed within 50 meters of the boat. The purse seiner continued to power straight toward our boat,” Carter said, “It was threatening to either encircle us in their net or to plow us into the sea unless we abandoned the school of dolphin. Rather than endanger our guests, we retreated and watched and listened as the La Rosa Mistica closed the net and its crew obnoxiously celebrated its victory.”
TBF President Ellen Peel said, “This is the tenth vessel attacked off Costa Rica in the past two years. In June of 2008 nine vessels were similarly attacked in two incidents off of Quepos and Los Suenos.TBF has previously appealed to the Costa Rican Fisheries and Aquaculture Institute INCOPESCA (Instituto Costarricense de Pesca y Acuicultura) to take punitive action against these purse seine vessels, fishing in Costa Rican waters under Costa Rican licenses to no avail.
“I have sent a letter to the new Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla with copies to Second Vice President Luis Liberman, the Minister of Agriculture Gloria Abraham, Vice Minister of Agriculture Xinia Chaves, Minister of Tourism Carlos Ricardo Benavides and Luis Dobles President of INCOPESCA, demanding that an investigation into this incident and appropriate action against the captain and owners of La Rosa Mistica be launched immediately.
“We are also notifying U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica Anne Slaughter Andrew of this attack,” said Peel.

The Venezuelan purse seiner La Rosa Mistica draws closer to the sportfishing boat - Photo by Ron O.
The purse seiner is owned by Ingopesca, S.A. and registered out of the port of Callao in Venezuela. It is not known if this is one of the 30 trawling vessels expropriated from private owners by Venezuela President Hugo Chavez’s government in the spring of 2009 for use with setting up fish processing plants there.
Joan Vernon, TBF Board member and like Carter is a part-time resident of Costa Rica was outraged by the attack.
“The Costa Rican government has to do something to show these foreign seiners that this sort of behavior will not be tolerated before someone gets injured or killed out there,” she said. “Already we are hearing reports of local captains arming themselves in case of more such incidents.”
Costa Rica licenses many foreign purse seine vessels to fish in their national waters and land tuna to be processed in Costs Rica.

The helicopter from La Rosa Mistica circles the area around the sportfishing boat
“It is ironic that another such assault has occurred just a few weeks before TBF formally presents the results of its study on the relative economic contribution of sports and commercial fishing in Costa Rica to government officials in San Jose,” noted TBF scientist Dr. Russell Nelson, adding “We have documented that sports fishing tourism contributes more to the Costa Rican gross national economy than commercial fishing, adding over $599 million annually, and $138 million of that comes directly from folks like Gary Carter who maintain a vessel and crew in that nation.”
Peel concluded, “If Costa Rica won’t address this sort of outrage and also take better care of the marine resources like sailfish and marlin that drive this economic engine, they will find people moving elsewhere and taking their money with them.”
She also noted within the past month another Central American nation issued a decree banning purse seining in its waters.
“In July, Panama’s President Ricardo Martinelli issued an executive order prohibiting purse seine vessels from fishing within the nation’s waters – a much wiser stance, one that allows commercial fishing beyond 200 miles and recreational fishing within the 200 mile zone.”
TBF has been working with the numerous governments worldwide – some for over a decade – for the expansion of conservation measures and laws to protect billfish, mainly from overfishing coastal fisheries by commercial interests, while implementing tag and release programs for sportsmen.
About The Billfish Foundation
The Billfish Foundation (TBF) is the only non-profit organization dedicated solely to conserving and enhancing billfish populations around the world. TBF’s comprehensive network of members and supporters includes anglers, captains, mates, tournament directors, clubs and sportfishing businesses. By coordinating efforts and speaking with one voice, TBF is able to work for solutions that are good for billfish and not punitive to recreational anglers. For more information, TBF’s phone number is 800-438-8247.
Article by, TBF PR Counsel: Pete Johnson, Johnson Communications, Inc.
Scottsdale, Ariz., USA; 480-951-3654 (ph); 480-951-0040 (fax)
JohnsonCom(at) aol.com
Editors Note: The TBA has been the ramroder of Costa Rica conservation and eco-fishing with the start of ban on exporting billfish meat, and the monitoring of commercial boats. Costa Rica was the first country in the world to practice catch and release programs.
But the Costa Rican government just voted to refuse free help from the U.S. I love C.R. but they dont give a damn if anyone get hurts. Scott at we lovecostarica.com just did a story about the Govt here not wanting help to stop this.
Hi Kip! Unfortunate news, but more it is that this is the 10th attack and the corrupted INCOPESCA administration do nothing. Kip, if you have these peoples´s email address, please let them know they can get in touch with me, so we can give them the propper support through our 106,000 members organization and follow up their claims,even with the same president.106,000 people will be aware of this situation if the affected ones want to get in touch with me and let us publish this bad event.
Regards dear friend Kip.–Pura Vida Hermanito!