Recently we received the above video that was on a website, Stalking in Costa Rica.
The video was very disturbing in parts. The sender asked us for our help in spreading the word on this violent crime on women, and cyber awareness to this one particular grave situation in a hope to bring justice against this violent predator who was first talked about in Rip Off Report a few years back.
It appears that many more women have stepped forward after this video was shown on youtube.
As most of our followers know, and with the community help of local Costa Rican’s and Gringo’s we helped exposed the Sexual Pedophile, Jim Baker.
The website pleaded to President Laura Chinchilla with the below quote:
We, the undersigned, call on the President of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, to enact law against the crime of stalking in Costa Rica. We urge President Chinchilla to order an immediate arrest and investigations into the men who perpetrate violent and sexual gender crimes against expatriate women and all women in Costa Rica.
The website Stop Gender Violence Against Expatriate Women In Costa asks to sign a petition to stop this.
Costa Rica is nowhere different than any other country. Stalking is a devastating crime that irrevocably changes the lives of its victims. Victims report that they never again feel the same level of security and trust. Exacerbating the effects of stalking is the tendency for courts, law enforcement, social workers, and even victims to minimize and dismiss this problem. Most do not recognize the serious nature of stalking, which can place victims in physical and psychological danger. Stalking is not a new phenomenon despite the recent media attention given to the subject. It is also not a rare problem, as many believe.

Laws should be updates and more sever for stalking anyone in Costa Rica
Stalking involves a pattern of harassment that can last for many years and tends to escalate over time in both intensity and frequency. No matter what the motivation for stalking, the behaviors are the same.
Behaviors include, but are not limited to,
- repeated following
- repeated telephone calls and hang-ups
- letters
- unwanted gifts and packages
- going through and stealing mail
- spreading harmful gossip about the victims
- breaking-and-entering that can include vandalism, theft, or even simply rearranging objects so that victims know the stalker was there.
Other behaviors listed by victims include:
- stealing underwear
- going through their garbage
- harassing and hurting others involved with the victims hurting, killing, or stealing pets
- physical and sexual assault
- arson
- kidnapping
- obtaining items and services in the victim’s name
- sending threatening items, including dead flowers, soiled underwear, and semen-stained clothes.
Please help us spread the word ‘….
Tico Times Directory Editor
This is a very disturbing story. It points to a couple of things that people need to be aware of in Costa Rica. First, you should always be vigilant. Why? Because the police and law enforcement system just sometimes seem broken. This provides an environment that makes it favorable to abusive people and scam artist. The fact that the police couldn't intervene here is really shocking. I hope this women is safe and that man should be behind bars. -Evan
I have lived in Costa Rica and will be moving back soon, i notice that these dates are a little old and hope that some form of “action” has been taken. These types of sub-humans have and continue to mis-represent our nation. Tick-tock Chomo!!!
This is depressing – it remains me of your article on the pervert Joe Baker… i hope justice gets done, thanks ticotime for spreading this.
I have visited Costa Rica 5 times. when I hear and read things of this nature it makes me sick. They should arrest this man and hang him from his privates. Then put him in prison for the rest of his life. He is the devil himself.