Actor Steven Seagal leaves Costa Rica not a happy camper
This week we pretty much express some disappointment at the way Costa Rica’s government was handle things like banning stem cell research and helping pave the way for ID thief. However, we have to give them the thumbs up in how they gave the cold shoulder to Hollywood martial-arts actor/producer, Steven Seagal.
About 2-three times a month we get tabloid junk. It has always been our policy to let celebrities do their thing, and keep their location quite, unless it is someone like Leonardo DiCaprio who was thinking about doing a gambling movie in Costa Rica that would help pump millions into the economy or something so bizarre like the Rod and Patti Blagojevich reality/circus show.
Now this is what bugs me, Mr. Seagul claims he is some law enforcement expert. Humm … he has a reality cop show where he is a reserve deputy chief of the Sheriff’s Office in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, so does that make him an expert?
With his new wide range of expertise, (sarcastically written) he requested a meeting with Costa Rica’s federal police chief to discuss (now get this) training methods for the local police force. Some of the items discussed were types of strategic alliance and helping their special tactical units in performance, personal defense and other security-related aspects.
Now here is the catch, when all said and done, he then wanted to become an honorary member for the Federal Police. Another sarcastic, Hummm.
The second thing Mr. Seagul requested was a meeting with President Laura Chinchilla, because he was thinking about investing in Costa Rica, by doing some of his films there and buying/developing land in Guanacaste. However, all he got was a few handshakes from her subordinates, the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, René Castro, the Ministerio de Seguridad, José María Tijerino and the director of the OIJ, Jorge Rojas. He never saw the President.
It was pretty obvious they discussed a few items that were not related to investing or his egoistic desire to be an honorary member for the Federal Police, but more in line of personal conduct that cause the actor to leave the country discouraged and disappointed.
Could it have been that President Laura Chinchilla will not put up with Seagul’s misconduct toward women?
In a statement by Mr. Seagul’s lawyer, Jonathan Picado “He [Seagul] leaves the country very hurt. He said that he doesn’t need Costa Rica and there are many other countries where he can invest. He feels that in Costa Rica he has been received like a criminal,”
Picado added, Seagal felt like he was being judged unfairly in Costa Rica following allegations of sexual abuse and harassment in the United States of women that started with model Kelly LeBrock as she recalls her own traumatic experience of being married to the actor.
According to court papers filed earlier this year, 23 year old former model Kayden Nguyen, filed a $1 million dollar sexual trafficking and harassment lawsuit against Seagal, claiming she was hired as “his” assistant but then used as a “sex toy”. Two other women have reportedly provided sworn declarations to assist Nguyen’s lawsuit. Among those women is Ray Charles’ granddaughter, Blair Robinson.
The actor felt that all these allegations have been blown out of proportion and did not like it being brought up in Costa Rica, especially when “it is not a big deal in the US.”
So, according to Mr. Seagul, sexual harassment and trafficking is not a big deal in the US!
Grant you, Mr. Seagul is innocent until a court of law says different, but I think Mr. Seagul may take another hard look at that statement, because he just offended every women in the world, including the President of Costa Rica!
My hats off to President Chinchilla and members of the ministry.
i just love steven seagul he is a great actor i love his filmes
Well Mr. Seagal should try to come to South Africa, I would sure feel safer knowing he’s around. He can teach these men some moves, aswell as me.
Oh I think Steven Segal would have done this country a justice. What is wrong with you people? You let your jealousy come into play with what could have been an improvement in this country. This country has no room to talk about sexual behaviours, what with prostitution legal and the main income for most of the woman here. That’s a real slap in your face. Just because he is famous, you snub him. Get real. I hope no movie star ever shows his or her face here again. You are an embarressment and your Police Force could really use the help. You act like a bunch of over rated clowns whose power has gone to the wrong head, because if it was the right one, you would accept help of any form from anyone who offers
I love my Costa Rica. Good look to you Mr. Seagui.
Stevie boy has been a DIRT BAG!!!and a third rate performer since the day he appeared or crawled from the slime. He belongs in a max security prison.
This Fat Egotistical reality nightmare can only be compared to Octo-Mom or other Tabloid washouts! Costa Rica is TOO GOOD for this Moron and the “Pura Vida” is much better off with out his money, Bad Movies, and supposed investment. He’s right, there are many more countries he can “invest in” I might recommend Belize or Haiti, somewhere more suited to his class or should I say lack of, and where he will stand out more amongst the trash. Good Riddance! Good Job President Chinchilla! For Keeping Costa Rica the “Pura Vida” I don’t want him around my family in Guanacaste!!!!!
An ethical DILEMMA can be define as an undesirable or unpleasant choice relating to a moral principal or practice, therefore, a person of responsibility can trust himself to choose the right thing over the easy..!!!! SO help him GOD…Un dilema ético se puede definir como una opción indeseable o desagradable, relativa a un principio moral o práctica, por lo tanto, una persona responsable puede confiar en sí mismo para elegir lo correcto sobre lo fácil..!!!! Que le ayude e ilumine Dios siempre….!!! JB210 B>) But I feel the goverment of COSTA RICA did the right thing…Segal was just looking for his own benefit…That is what I think…