Below are some interesting, odd, trivia, tidbits and weird facts about Costa Rica. Some will make you smile, relate to and may even be educational. All in all, if you have some more, please put them in the comment section at the end of this this article.
The first fast food chain was McDonald, which began in operations in Costa Rica in 1970. But in May 2011 it was shut down (and another) by Health Official for numerous health violations, including managing wastewater and employees not completing a food handling course. Shortly later, McDonalds announced they would open the first Ronald McDonald House to assists critically ill children and their families.
Since 1970 Costa Rica has been a poster child of fast food places. Papa Jones, Dominos, Subway, Pizza Hut, Quisnos, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Churches, Taco Bell, Wendy’s etc. etc, and all have been doing well except Starbucks. Costa Ricans refuses to believe there is no better coffee than what they have. It has been rumored that Starbucks is thinking about moving out of Costa Rica because of that.
National Dish is Gallo Pinto Recipe (beans and rice) and served at just about every meal.
In Costa Rica, it is not uncommon to give coffee to babies (in their bottle, with milk) and to young children.
Soft drinks are sweeter since they do not use corn syrup as they do in the US, but use unrefined sugar. One of the most popular is Fanta Kolita (has a bubble gum favor) and Diet Pepsi tastes better than Diet Coke.
However, candy and cookies and have a LOT less sugar and fat added, and thus a lot less flavor. If you have a sweet tooth, you will pay a high price since most of the popular candy (e.g. Snickers, M &Ms, Oreo cookies) is imported from the US.
A small restaurant is called a Soda, and not a soft drink.
Costa Rica elected its first female president, Laura Chinchilla. Her party was National Liberation Party who claimed a historic victory.
On December 1, 1948, President José Figueres Ferrer of Costa Rica abolished the military of Costa Rica after victory in the civil war in that year. However they do have a Coast Guard. There is officially no Air Force of Costa Rica, the only air wing in existence is attached to the Ministry of Public Security. Currently this unit, officially called Air Surveillance Service, which has about 10 unarmed aircraft.
Credit Cards and Cell Phones are a big hit. MANY Costa Ricans use their credit cards for everything. It is not uncommon to watch a Tico whip out a card to make an eighteen cent purchase. And there are more cell phones per capital then just about anywhere in the world.
Since Ticos are short statured people in general, furniture is built 3-6 inches smaller. The same holds true to building. Kitchen counter tops are lower and many homes the doorways are narrower and shorter. So if you are tall, you learn to duck or walk around with a bump on your forehead.
Locks in general on houses and gates, etc., almost always work (turn) backwards.

Whether big or small most commercial building the door open's In
Most of the (honey) bees in Costa Rica are of the Africanized variety of the killer bees. The killer bee species were bred out years ago.
It is considered rude wearing shorts inside any Government building. If you go to the immigration office for any reason or to the police station for fingerprinting (as part of your residency), they will turn you away! Shorts are considered disrespectful.
Even if the prostitution is legal, it is very rude and disrespectful to wear a bikini in a hotel lobby or down a public street.
Costa Rican astronaut Franklin Chang was inducted into the US Astronaut Hall of Fame. Chang, 62, is the first Hispanic astronaut ever to enter the hall of fame.
The meter in a taxicab is known as the Maria … and very rarely will you see a working one and that is because, the name is apparently a loose reference to the Virgin Mary and her presumed honesty.
What we call speed bumps in the US, Costa Ricans call, son muertos… or in English… "(they are) dead persons".

Like 99.9% of all buildings there is no address. In this rare photo, one does see a street name, but you really have to look for it and this corner is best found by the Imperial Sign
Nearly all Catholic Churches in Costa Rica face to the WEST. Keep this in thought when getting directions.
I love this one: In the US pedestrians have rights and drivers must yield to them or suffer the consequences. In Costa Rica, the Spanish word for pedestrian is "Target". I rest my case on this …
What we say in English "She had a baby" or She just gave birth", but in the Spanish way they say, "Ella dio a luz" or translated, "She gave light." Pretty awesome huh?
The Spanish word for HOT is Caliente. Just about all the Water faucets are imported from the USA and just about all are stamped with "C" to identify the COLD valve. If your Hot Water never seems to get HOT in Costa Rica, try turning the handle with the "C" for caliente.
Instead of saying "my other half," Ticos often refer to their significant other as their "media naranja" or the other half of their orange.
Bienes raices is the word for Real Estate. Bienes means, estate, property or possessions and raices means roots. So there you have "property roots!". Gives a new meaning to the expression "laying down roots".
I was born in San Jose and lived in the province of Tibas…however was adopted at the age of 3 along with my sister Jeanette Mayla 4. We were the two youngest, leaving behind 7 sisters and one brother named Otto..I do not have acknowledge of my history as both of my adoptive parents have passed. This is interesting information, but after reading it, I am a bit confused. How do I distinguish what is written to how it really is….However, still an interesting read….thank you
some things here are completely incorrect,that thing about "targets"?? dude,that´s wrong,and also about giving birth….i´ve never heard another person saying "ella dio a luz",we say "she had a baby" as you guys do,the "ella dio a luz" sentence is use,but in the movies and soap operas
Costa Ricans are very special, in our veins runs the blood of peace and harmony. We have many things as part of our culture and traditions, and that makes us even more special. This is a great blog. Congratulations.
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There are so many things that are very funny and very right, but there are other ones which come from the Spanish language… and they are not funny at all, for example: "gave birth" or "my other half" are spoken in other countries of Latin America and they are fully accepted and understood. Btw, it is of common sense not to walk around in a bikini, specialy if it is a prostitute. I don't think anyone in the states goes to the bakery or to a fine restaurant in bikine.. well, maybe just in Miami. Andddddddddddd, please, Stop translating "Gallo Pinto" as rice and beans. Rice and beans is a Caribbean dish from Limon and it's very different from "Gallo Pinto". Maybe I am wrong but people from the "States" don't translate the name of their dishes just because tourist with lots of money want to. Anyway, it was a nice article and keep posting