White Roofs – Energy Savings in Costa Rica

Is this the future of Costa Rica - White roofs to save the world?

Is this the future of Costa Rica - White roofs to save energy and the world in Global Warming?

One thing about being the admin of Costa Rica’s largest directory, we get a lot of emails, about everything under the sun (no pun intended on this post) – from where to buy the best airline tickets, to hot nightclub action, to just rant and raving.

And then we get the curious or concern like the posts on Costa Rica bedbugs and Swine Flu.  One thing for sure, we are not short of posting material ;-).

Since the US and Costa Rica have excellent ties, just about anything that happens in the US somehow filters to Costa Rica. Last Tuesday US Energy Secretary Steven Chu said at a some sort of energy summit in England,  the Obama administration wanted to start painting US roofs an energy-reflecting white to help save energy and to prevent Global Warming.

Yip, you guessed it, we got a couple of emails, if Costa Rica was going to follow in the footsteps of the US and have to paint the country white?

Hummm, is this going to be another eco-first in Costa Rica?   I seriously doubt it. But you never know with some of the eco-gurus who will push this. But it does have a tad of eco-merit. But I would not rush to the nearest paint store and buy white paint just yet!

Clu called for a “new revolution” in energy generation to cut greenhouse gas emissions and he warned there was no silver bullet for tackling climate change. Adding, making roads and roofs a paler colour could have the equivalent effect of taking every car in the world off the road for 11 years. He also said, painting [all] buildings white would make them cooler and reduce energy use from air conditioning, as well as reflecting sunlight back away from the Earth.

Painting all buildings white! You have got to be joking!

Dark Shades - the new Costa Rican look

Dark Shades - the new Costa Rican look

Okay, I know that many countries have already adapted to this like the Bahamas and Mid-East countries.  But really, scientists already know that to much reflecting light can damage the eyes and the need for dark polarized sunglasses would be necessary since Costa Rica does get its fair share of intense sunlight.   However, there are some scientists who dispute that, saying, they have developed “cool colours” which looked to the human eye like normal ones and there is no need for dark shades.

I guess the first question is,  what in the hell is “cool colours?”

I can just see it now, every Costa Rican mimicking the Blues Brothers –  walking around with dark shades as their culture becomes a sterile or hospital-like environment.

I don’t think so!

Costa Rica Medical
Calypso Cruises

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