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Copacabana Hotel Beachfront Hotel, Jaco Costa Rica
Jaco Beachfront Hotel

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Sea Turtle Poll

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Ecology Costa RicaBiodiversity and Ecotourism in Costa Rica
Covering only 0.01 percent of the Earth’s landmass, Costa Rica is believed to host approximately 5 percent of its biodiversity, making it one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world. Tourists must like what they find because many return again and again to  Costa Rica to explore the variety of habitats: rain forest, dry forest, cloud forest, oak forest,  mountains, and wetland, mangrove, and other aquatic habitats. Over 13.000 plant species can be found, including 1,300 varieties of orchids like the La Guaria Morada, the national flower which usually blooms in March. More than 850 species of birds, 209 mammal species, 220 species of reptiles, and 163 species of amphibians have been identified. And as for the diversity in insects and anthropoids, over 365.000 species have been encountered so far. Costa Rica’s fabulous fauna includes the jaguar, puma, and agouti, the leatherback & green turtle, three species of monkey, the American crocodile, caiman and the two & three-toed sloth, just to name a few.

Enjoy a Eco-tourism experience in Costa Rica with their Eco lodges, resorts and eco bed and breakfast.

As one writer said,  "Take the opportunity to see Costa Rica off the beaten path.Travel at your own pace, without the crowds, and get a feel for the different climates and cultures, and wonder at  its wildlife and the  beauty of the country and its people"

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screenshot of Custom Costa Rica Eco Travel and Vacation Packages Custom Costa Rica Eco Travel and Vacation Packages - http://www.fishcostarica.com/travel-packages.html

Ecology minded travel and vacation packages. Private Transportation. Hotel and transfers. Recreation tours like ziplining and river rafting. Bird and whale watching and  Turtle Nesting sites.  English speaking guides and drivers. Over 17 years booking travel packages. - Read more

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