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Copacabana Hotel Beachfront Hotel, Jaco Costa Rica
Jaco Beachfront Hotel

Sea Turtle Poll
Sea Turtle Poll

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Tico Times News and MediaCOSTA RICA NEWS AND MEDIA
Costa Rica enjoys a vibrant media scene, with ten major newspapers, private and public TV stations and a very busy FM radio dial. Cable TV has been widely available, but it does take time to get it ... last we heard, about 2-4 months.

With a literary percentage of over 95%, Costa Ricans rank the highest in all of the Central and South American countries. Fact remains, Costa Rica's like to read and know what is going on. It is very common to see crowed bus stops and cafes with people glued to a newspaper ... just about every street corner there is a newspaper stand

Many  press groups like, "Reporters Without Borders" describes the country's media as "fairly free". Libel laws and a law which ensures the right of reply for individuals criticised in reports are in force.  Much of the daily news covers, world and local news, tourism, sports, government, crime, current events, agricuture, boating, retirement issues, weather and travel.

Places like Tico Times and AM Costa Rica have extensive archive of past articles and photographs.

La Nación
(La Nacion) - Daily newspaper in Spanish
La Prensa Libre  - Daily newspaper in Spanish
Actualidad Economica
- Weekly economic newspaper in Spanish
Al Día
(Al Dia) - Published daily
Diario Extra 
- Published daily
Capital Financiero
- Finance and Business
La República
(La Republica) - General News

Inside Costa Rica
- San Jose paper
AM Costa Rica - San Jose Newspaper
Tico Times Newspaper - the largest English newspaper in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Star - Leading Latin American Noticias, World and Costa Rica News

Radio in Costa Rica and Costa Rica TV stations

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Newspapers (19)

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Featured Links

screenshot of Costa Rica Star Costa Rica Star - http://news.co.cr

The Costa Rica Star is the leading Noticias de Costa Rica Newspaper, covering Latin America Noticias, World News, and Costa Rica News in English. Business, entertainment, health, science, sports, world, and press releases. - Read more

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If you search classifieds or Costa Rica Real Estate Listings, in Encuentra24.com you can find ton of listings with photos, video and property map.

Rent to Buy, Buy, or Rent in Costa Tica
Spacious, 3 bd., 2.5 bath, modern 3 story townhouse, in a gated and guarded community with an international flavor, very near tennis court, pools, and casa club. Convenient to major shopping areas, the Multiplaza mall, restaurants, civic center, CIMA

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